
The FB-Series Compact Enclosed Dust Collector are designed for efficient filtration in smaller spaces than traditional baghouse or cyclone collectors. Their compact profile makes these units suitable for use inside workshops and factory production areas. Thanks to COIMA’s advanced engineering they are reliable, quiet, and easy to use. This F-Series variant features a collection hopper for use with a briquette press.

The FB-Series dust collector is suitable for the extraction of various dusts and chips, and feature durable construction with 14 GA galvanized steel sheet panels over a 12 GA frame. The needle felt bag (FB250 & FB320) or cartridge (FB380 & FB450) filters are automatically cleaned by a programmable pulse-jet cleaning system.

The FB-Series also includes an emergency flooding system for interconnection with spark detection and extinguishment systems (ideal for NFPA compliance). The high efficiency backward inclined centrifugal fan includes noise reduction insulation, and is located inside the dust collector housing. This configuration allows for higher negative pressures as compared to similar collection systems.

The dust and chips fall from the filter media into a hopper located in the lower portion of the unit. The hopper is designed to pair with a briquette press, which compacts the waste material into dense cylindrical briquettes for easy transport or use as a biomass alternative energy source.

